Spirit Baptism
What are believers baptized into? Rom. 6:3-4 _______________________________

" __________ with Him in baptism, in which you also were _____________ with
Him through faith in the working of God." Col. 2:12

"For John truly baptized with __________, but you shall be baptized with the

_________ ___________ not many days from now." Acts 1:5

"For as many of you as were baptized __________ ______________ have put on

_______________ ." Gal. 3:27

"For by _______ ____________ we were all baptized into _______ ___________."
I Cor. 12:13

What body are we baptized into? I Cor. 12:27 _______________________________

What happens if we do not have the Spirit of Christ? Rom. 8:9 ______________


Spirit baptism is the work of the Holy Spirit that places us in the body of 
Christ (I Cor. 12:12-13), identifies us with Christ’s death, burial and 
resurrection (Rom. 6:3-5) and spiritually brings death and burial to our old
man (Rom. 6:6) and makes us alive to God in Christ (Rom. 6:7-11).

Water Baptism
Who is to be baptized? Matt. 28:19 _________________________________________

Whose name are the disciples to be baptized in? Matt. 28:19 ________________


What did Peter command in addition to baptism? Acts 2:38 ___________________

What took place before baptism in Acts 8:12; 16:31-33; 18:8? _______________


What words in Acts 8:38-39 indicate baptism is by immersion? _______________


What did the people do after they were baptized? Acts 2:41-42 ______________


Water baptism is the outward picture of what happens inwardly in spirit 
baptism. Going under the water pictures our death and burial with Christ and
coming up out of the water pictures our resurrection with Christ.

By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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