Hebrews 9


What did the first covenant have (Heb. 9:1)? ________________________________________




What was the first part of the tabernacle called (v.2)? _________________________________


What was in the first part of the tabernacle (v.2)? ____________________________________




What was the part behind the veil called (v.3)? ______________________________________


What was in the part behind the veil (v.4)? _________________________________________


What was the ark of the covenant overlaid with (v.4)? ________________________________


What was in the ark of the covenant (v.4)? __________________________________________




What was above the ark of the covenant (v.5)? ______________________________________


What were the cherubim overshadowing (v.5)? ______________________________________


What part did the priests go into (v.6)? _____________________________________________


What did the priests do in the first part (v.6)? ________________________________________


Who went into the second part of the tabernacle (v.7)? _________________________________


How often did the high priest go into the second part (v.7)? _____________________________


What did the high priest go into the second part with (v.7)? _____________________________


What was the blood offered for (v.7)? ______________________________________________


What was not yet manifest (v.8)? __________________________________________________


What were the gifts and sacrifices which were offered not able to do (v.9)? ________________




The person that did the service was not perfect in regard to or pertaining to what (v.9)? ________


What did the priest's service concern with or deal with (v.10)? ___________________________




Until when were these services imposed (v.10)? ______________________________________


What did Christ come as (v.11)? ___________________________________________________


How is the tabernacle, which Christ serves in, described (v.11)? __________________________




With whose blood did Christ enter the Holy Place (v.12)? ______________________________


For whom was this blood offered (v.12)? ____________________________________________


What did we obtain through Christ's blood (v.12)? ____________________________________


Whose blood was used (v.13)? ____________________________________________________


Whose ashes were used (v.13)? ____________________________________________________


Who was the blood and ashes sprinkled on (v.13)? _____________________________________


What did the blood and ashes do (v.13)? _____________________________________________


What is superior to the blood and ashes of animals (v.14)? ______________________________


Did Christ have any spot or blemish (v.14)? __________________________________________


Who did Christ offer Himself to (v.14)? _____________________________________________


What does the blood of Christ do (v.14)? ___________________________________________


Who are we to serve (v.14)? _____________________________________________________


What has Christ become the mediator of (v.15)? ______________________________________


By what means did Christ become the mediator (v.15)? ________________________________


What transgression did Christ redeem (v.15)? ________________________________________


What will the called receive (v.15)? ________________________________________________


In order for there to be a testament or will, what must take place (v.16)? ___________________




When is a will or testament in force (v.17)? _________________________________________


When does a will or testament have no power (v.17)? _________________________________


What was the first covenant dedicated with (v.18)? ___________________________________


What did Moses speak to the people (v.19)? _________________________________________


Where did the precepts or commandments come from (v.19)? ___________________________


What did Moses sprinkle with blood and water (v.19)? ________________________________


When Moses sprinkled the blood, what did he say (v.20)? ______________________________



Note: See Ex. 24:3-8.


Who gave the commandment (v.20)? ______________________________________________


What else did Moses sprinkle with blood (v.21)? _____________________________________


According to the law what is purged or purified with blood (v.22)? ______________________


What does not happen without the shedding of blood (v.22)? ___________________________

Note: See Lev. 17:11.


What things needed to be purified (v.23)? __________________________________________


What did the heavenly things need for purification (v.23)? _____________________________


What type of holy places did Christ not enter (v.24)? _________________________________


Where did Christ enter (v.24)? ___________________________________________________


In whose presence did Christ appear (v.24)? ________________________________________


For whom did Christ enter heaven (v.24)? __________________________________________


Did Christ need to offer Himself often (v.25)? _______________________________________


How often did the high priest enter the Most Holy Place (v.25)? _________________________


What did the high priest enter the Most Holy Place with (v.25)? _________________________


If Christ had to sacrifice often like the high priests, what would Christ have had to do from the


foundation of the world (vv.25-26)? _______________________________________________


How did Christ put away sin (v.26)? _______________________________________________


What is appointed for men (v.27)? ________________________________________________


What comes after death (v.27)? ___________________________________________________


How many times was Christ offered (v.28)? _________________________________________


Christ was offered to bear what (v.28)? _____________________________________________


To whom will Christ appear a second time (v.28)? ____________________________________


What is Christ coming a second time for (v.28)? ______________________________________

By Pastor Todd R. Cook (toddrcook@biblestudies4u.info)


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