Proverbs 13


What does a wise son do with his father's instruction (Prov. 13:1)? _______________________


Who does not hear a rebuke (v.1)? ________________________________________________


What shall a man do by the fruit of his mouth (v.2)? __________________________________


What feeds on violence (v.2)? ___________________________________________________


Who preserves or keeps his life (v.3)? ______________________________________________


Who shall have destruction (v.3)? _________________________________________________


What does the soul of a sluggard or lazy man have (v.4)? ______________________________


The soul of the diligent shall be made what (v.4)? ____________________________________


What does a righteous man hate (v.5)? _____________________________________________


What is a wicked man like (v.5)? __________________________________________________


Righteousness keeps or guards whom (v.6)? _________________________________________


Who does wickedness overthrow (v.6)? _____________________________________________


What does some who makes themselves rich have (v.7)? _______________________________


What do some who make themselves poor have (v.7)? _________________________________


What is the ransom of a man's life (v.8)? ____________________________________________


What does a poor man not hear (v.8)? ______________________________________________


What does the light of the righteous do (v.9)? ________________________________________


What will be put out (v.9)? _______________________________________________________


What comes by pride (v.10)? _____________________________________________________


What is with the well advised (v.10)? ______________________________________________


Wealth gained by what shall be diminished (v.11)? ___________________________________


Who will increase (v.11)? _______________________________________________________


What makes the heart sick (v.12)? _________________________________________________


What is it like to have a desire come (v.12)? _________________________________________


Who will be destroyed (v.13)? ____________________________________________________


Who will be rewarded (v.13)? ____________________________________________________


What is a fountain of life (v.14)? __________________________________________________


What does the law of the wise do (v.14)? ___________________________________________


What does good understanding give or gain (v.15)? ___________________________________


What is the way of the unfaithful like (v.15)? ________________________________________


What does every prudent man act with or deal with (v.16)? _____________________________


What does a fool lay open (v.16)? _________________________________________________


What does a wicked messenger fall into (v.17)? ______________________________________


What does a faithful ambassador bring (v.17)? _______________________________________


Who will poverty and shame come to (v.18)? ________________________________________


Who will be honored (v.18)? _____________________________________________________


What is sweet to the soul (v.19)? __________________________________________________


What is an abomination to fools (v.19)? ____________________________________________


Who will be wise (v.20)? ________________________________________________________


Who will be destroyed (v.20)? ____________________________________________________


What does evil pursue (v.21)? ____________________________________________________


To whom shall good be repaid (v.21)? _____________________________________________


Who leaves an inheritance to his children's children (v.22)? ____________________________


Who is the wealth of the sinner stored up for (v.22)? __________________________________


Where is there much food (v.23)? _________________________________________________


What is there for lack of justice or want of judgment (v.23)? ____________________________


Who hates his son (v.24)? _______________________________________________________


What does he who loves his son do (v.24)? __________________________________________


What does the righteous do (v.25)? ________________________________________________


What shall want (v.25)? _________________________________________________________

By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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