1. When is a dry morsel better than feasting? Prov. 17:1 ____________________


2. What takes the joy out of feasting? Prov. 17:1 ___________________________

3. Who will a wise servant rule over? Prov. 17:2 ____________________________

4. Who will a wise servant share an inheritance with? _______________________

5. What does the Lord test? Prov. 17:3 ______________________________________

6. What does an evil doer give heed to? Prov. 17:4 __________________________

7. What does a liar listen to? Prov. 17:4 ___________________________________

8. Who reproaches God? Prov. 17:5 ___________________________________________

9. Who will not go unpunished? Prov. 17:5 ___________________________________

10. What is the crown of old men? Prov. 17:6 ________________________________

11. What is the glory of children? Prov. 17:6 _______________________________

12. What is not becoming to a fool? Prov. 17:7 ______________________________

13. What is not becoming to a prince? Prov. 17:7 ____________________________

14. What is a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor? Prov. 17:8 _______

15. Who seeks love? Prov. 17:9 ______________________________________________

16. What separates friends? Prov. 17:9 ______________________________________

17. What is effective for a wise man? Prov. 17:10 ___________________________

18.  What is not as effective on a fool? Prov. 17:10 ________________________

19. What does an evil man seek? Prov. 17:11 _________________________________

20. Who will be sent against an evil man? Prov. 17:11 _______________________

21. What is better than meeting a fool in his folly? Prov. 17:12 ____________


22. Who will not have evil depart from his house? Prov. 17:13 _______________


23. When should we stop contention? Prov. 17:14 _____________________________

24. Who are abominations to the Lord? Prov. 17:15 ___________________________

25. What does the fool have in his hand? Prov. 17:16 ________________________

26. Does the fool have a heart to get wisdom? Prov. 17:16 ___________________

27. When does a friend love? Prov. 17:17 ____________________________________

28. What is a brother born for? Prov. 17:17 _________________________________

29. What does a man devoid of understanding do? Prov. 17:18 _________________


30. He who loves transgression loves __________________________. Prov. 17:19

31. He who exalts his gate seeks ______________________________. Prov. 17:19

32. What does the person with a deceitful heart find? Prov. 17:20 ___________

33. What does the person with a perverse tongue fall into? Prov. 17:20 ______

34. What does the father of a scoffer and a fool have? Prov. 17:21 __________

35. What does a merry heart do? Prov. 17:22 _________________________________

36. What does a broken spirit do? Prov. 17:22 _______________________________

37. What does the wicked accept? Prov. 17:23 ________________________________

38. Why does the wicked person accept a bribe? Prov. 17:23 __________________

39. What does the person who has understanding have in his sights? 

Prov. 17:24 _________________________________________________________________

40. What are the fools eyes on? Prov. 17:24 _________________________________

41. What is a foolish son to his father? Prov. 17:25 ________________________

42. What is a foolish son to his mother? Prov. 17:25 ________________________

43. What is not good? Prov. 17:26 ___________________________________________


44. What does a man who has knowledge do? Prov. 17:27 _______________________

45. What does a man of understanding have? Prov. 17:27 ______________________

46. When is a fool counted wise? Prov. 17:28 ________________________________

47. When is a fool considered as perceptive or having understanding? 

Prov. 17:28__________________________________________________________________
By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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