1. What is in the hands of the Lord? Prov. 21:1 ____________________________

2. What does the Lord do with the king’s heart? Prov. 21:1 _________________


3. What seems right in man’s own eyes? Prov. 21:2 __________________________

4. What does the Lord do to the heart? Prov. 21:2 __________________________

5. What is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice? Prov. 21:3 __________

6. What are a haughty look, a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked? 

Prov. 21:4 __________

7. What surely leads to plenty? Prov. 21:5 _________________________________

8. What surely leads to poverty? Prov. 21:5 ________________________________

9. What is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death? Prov. 21:6 ________


10. What will happen to those who refuse to do justice? Prov. 21:7 _________


11. Whose way is perverse? Prov. 21:8 ______________________________________

12. Whose work is right? Prov. 21:8 ________________________________________

13. What is better than sharing a house with a contentious wife? Prov. 21:9 


14. What desires evil? Prov. 21:10 _________________________________________

15. Who has no favor in the eyes of the wicked? Prov. 21:10 ________________

16. How is the simple made wise? Prov. 21:11 _______________________________

17.  What happens when the wise is instructed? Prov. 21:11 _________________

18. Who wisely considers the house of the wicked? Prov. 21:12 ______________

19. Why are the wicked overthrown? Prov. 21:12 _____________________________

20. What happens to him that shuts his ears to the cry of the poor? 

Prov. 21:13 ________________________________________________________________

21. What does a gift in secret or a bribe do? Prov. 21:14 __________________


22. What is a joy for the just to do? Prov. 21: 15 _________________________

23. What will come to the workers of iniquity? Prov. 21:15 _________________

24. What happens to a man who wanders from the way of understanding? 

Prov. 21:16 ________________________________________________________________

25. What happens to the person who loves pleasure? Prov. 21:17 _____________

26. What happens to the person who loves wine and oil? Prov. 21:17 _________

27. Who shall be ransomed for whom? Prov. 21:18 ____________________________


28. What is better than dwelling with a contentious and angry woman? 

Prov. 21:19_________________________________________________________________

29. What is in the dwelling of the wise? Prov. 21:20 _______________________

30. What does the foolish man do with the treasure and oil? Prov. 21:20 ____

31. What does the person who follows righteousness and mercy find? 

Prov. 21:21 ________________________________________________________________

32. Who scales the city of the mighty and brings down the trusted stronghold? 

Prov. 21:22 ___________________________________________

33. Who keeps his soul from trouble? Prov. 21:23 ___________________________

34. Who acts with arrogant pride? Prov. 21:24 ______________________________

35. Why does the desire of the slothful kill him? Prov. 21:25 ______________

36. What does the slothful do? Prov. 21:26 _________________________________

37. What do the righteous do? Prov. 21:26 __________________________________

38. What is an abomination? Prov. 21:27 ____________________________________

39. What will happen to a false witness? Prov. 21:28 _______________________

40. How long will the person who hears the false witness be able to speak 

the truth? Prov. 21:28 _____________________________________________________

41. What do the wicked do? Prov. 21:29 _____________________________________

42. What do the upright do? ________________________________________________

43. What cannot be used against the Lord? Prov. 21:30 ______________________


44. What is prepared for the day of battle? Prov. 21:31 ____________________

45. What is of the Lord? Prov. 21:31 _______________________________________

By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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