Proverbs 29


Who will suddenly be destroyed (Prov. 29:1)? _______________________________________




When do the people rejoice (v.2)? _________________________________________________


What happens when the wicked rule (v.2)? __________________________________________


What does it do for your father when you love wisdom (v.3)? ___________________________


What does he who keeps company with harlots do (v.3)? _______________________________


How does a king establish the land (v.4)? ___________________________________________


Who overthrows the land (v.4)? ___________________________________________________


What does a man who flatters his neighbor spread (v.5)? _______________________________


In what is an evil man snared (v. 6)? _______________________________________________


What does the righteous consider (v.7)? ____________________________________________


Who does not consider the cause of the poor (v.7)? ___________________________________


What do the scoffers or scornful do (v.8)? __________________________________________


What do wise men do (v.8)? _____________________________________________________


What happens when a wise man contends with a foolish man (v.9)? ______________________


Who does the bloodthirsty hate (v.10)? _____________________________________________


What does the upright or just seek (v.10)? __________________________________________


What does a fool utter or vent (v.11)? ______________________________________________


What does a wise man do (v.11)? _________________________________________________


What happens when a ruler harkens or pays attention to lies (v.12)? ______________________




Whose eyes does the Lord lighten or give light to (v.13)? ______________________________


Whose throne shall be established forever (v.14)? ____________________________________




What gives wisdom (v.15)? ______________________________________________________


What does a child left to himself bring (v.15)? _______________________________________


What increases when the wicked are multiplied (v.16)? ________________________________


Who will see the fall of the wicked (v.16)? __________________________________________


What two things will your son do if you correct him (v.17)? ____________________________




What do the people do where there is no vision or revelation (v.18)? ______________________


What is the person who keeps the law like (v.18)? ____________________________________


What will a servant not be corrected by (v.19)? ______________________________________


Even though the servant understands, what will he not do (v.19)? ________________________


Who has more hope than a man who is hasty with his words (v.20)? ______________________


He who pampers or brings up his servant from childhood will have the servant as a what (v.21)?




What does an angry man stir up (v.22)? ____________________________________________


A furious man abounds in what (v.22)? _____________________________________________


Where will a man's pride bring him (v.23)? _________________________________________


What will happen to the humble in spirit (v.23)? _____________________________________


What does the person who is partner with a thief hate (v.24)? ___________________________


What brings a snare (v.25)? ______________________________________________________


Who will be safe (v.25)? ________________________________________________________


What do many seek (v.26)? ______________________________________________________


Where does justice or judgment come from (v.26)? ___________________________________


Who is an unjust man an abomination to (v.27)? _____________________________________


Who is the one who is upright in the way an abomination to (v.27)? ______________________

By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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