Psalm 19

What do the heavens declare (Ps. 19:1)? _______________________________________

What shows God's handiwork (v.1)? ___________________________________________

What utters speech (v.2)? ____________________________________________________

What shows or reveals knowledge (v.2)? _______________________________________

Is the voice of creation heard everywhere (v.3)? ________________________________

What has gone out through all the earth (v.4)? _________________________________

What has gone out to the end of the world (v.4)? ________________________________

In the world God has set a tabernacle or tent for what (v.4)? _____________________

The sun is like a bridegroom coming out of what (v.5)? __________________________

The sun rejoices as a strong man to run what (v.5)? _____________________________

The sun circuits from where to where (v.6)? ____________________________________

What is hid from the sun's heat (v.6)? __________________________________________

The law of the Lord is ______________________________ (v.7)?

What does the law of the Lord convert (v.7)? ___________________________________

The testimony of the Lord is ______________________________________ (v.7)?

The testimony of the Lord makes who wise (v.7)? _______________________________

The statutes or precepts of the Lord are _________________________________ (v.8)?

What does the statutes or precepts make to rejoice (v.8)? ________________________

The commandment of the Lord is ______________________________________ (v.8)?

What does the commandment of the Lord enlighten (v.8)? _______________________

The fear of the Lord is ______________________________________ (v.9)?

How long does the fear to the Lord endure (v.9)? _______________________________

The judgments of the Lord are what (v.9)? _____________________________________

The word of the Lord is to be more desired than what (v.10)? ____________________

The word of the Lord is sweeter than what (v.10)? ______________________________

What does the word of the Lord do for the Lord's servant (v.11)? _________________

What is there for keeping God's word (v.11)? ___________________________________

What does David ask God to cleanse him of (v.12)? _____________________________

What does David tell God to keep him back from (v.13)? ________________________

What does David not want to have dominion over him (v.13)? ___________________

What will David be when the presumptuous sins don't have dominion over him

 (v.13)? _____________________________________________________________________

What does David want to be acceptable in the Lord's sight (v.14)? ________________


What is the Lord to David (v.14)? _____________________________________________

By Pastor Todd R. Cook
E-mail: Todd R. Cook

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